Sunshine Sharing - Gut-Brain Connection

Recent research has revealed a strong link between the health of the intestinal tract and the brain. The “gut brain” or enteric nervous system (ENS) extends from the esophagus to the rectum. It contains the same receptors, neurons, and neurotransmitters that the central nervous system (CNS) does. The ENS releases neurotransmitters into the blood that travel to the brain and affect brain function. These chemical messengers, such as ghrelin, act in synergy with the vagus nerve to regulate food intake and appetite. They also help to regulate mood.

The brain regulates digestion, which is why worry, stress, and thought processes affect digestion. But, the digestive system, including the gut microbes, also affects the brain and can cause brain fog, anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. The articles in this month's Sunshine Sharing cover products that help the gut to heal and promote better mental function and mood, too. There's also a handout to educate people on the need to work on the intestinal tract if they have problems with their mood or mental focus. 

Is Your Gut Affecting Your Mood?

Are you experiencing problems with your mood such as anxiety, irritability, or depression? Or maybe you're experiencing problems concentrating or thinking clearly, a problem commonly called brain fog. If so, you might be surprised to learn that these problems may be originating in your your gut, i.e., your intestinal system.Your intestines have their own nervous system, called the enteric nervous system, which produces many neurotransmitters that influence your thoughts and feelings. For example,…

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Jeannie Burgess' Stress Formula

Jeannie Burgess’ Stress Formula was created by the talented herbalist Jeannie Burgess. She created it for colon spasms, spastic colitis, nervous headaches, nervous indigestion, and as a general calmer and relaxant.It works well with another of her formulas, Jeannie Burgess’  Intestinal Soothing Formula, which was designed to help problems like colitis, irritable bowel and Crohn’s disease. When the two formulas are used together they help to reduce intestinal inflammation, soothe irritated…

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Jeanne Burgess' Intestinal Soothing Formula

The gastrointestinal tract is subjected to many forms of irritation. Commonly used medications like antibiotics, pain relievers, birth control pills and corticosteroid drugs can interfere with the healthy intestinal bacteria and cause intestinal inflammation. Food additives, allergies, infections and parasites can also cause gastrointestinal inflammation.The Intestinal Soothing Formula by herbalist Jeanne Burgess was formulated to deal with common conditions resulting from intestinal inflammation,…

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Herbs for the Gut-Brain Axis

The health of the intestinal tract is connected to mental and emotional well-being. Imbalances in microflora, intestinal inflammation, or leaky gut can influence one’s mood and mental function, causing problems like anxiety, depression, irritability, and brain fog. Conversely, stress, worry, fear, and other forms of chronic emotional distress will cause problems with digestive function, including indigestion, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.Fortunately, many herbs work on both the nervous…

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In This Issue

  • The Sunshine Sharing Hour
    Gut-Brain Connection

    Recent research has revealed a strong link between the health of the intestinal tract and the brain. The “gut brain”…

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