Sunshine Sharing - Heal Your Gut; Heal Your Body

If you have any of the many health problems associated with leaky gut such as: intestinal problems, allergies, autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia and CFS, depression, ADD, chronic skin, yeast infections and/or arthritis, joint or muscle pain then healing your gut may be an important key to recovering your health. The information in this newsletter will help you understand what leaky gut and autointoxication is, what causes it and how to heal it.

Intestinal health is essential to overall health and leaky gut may be affecting half of all Americans. In this issue, we discuss the importance of your guts, how to purify and heal your intestinal system to tone up your gut and improve your overall health.

You can read the issue in the window below or click on this link to view it in a new window. 

Additional Resources

Strategies for Health by Steven Horne

In This Issue

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