Sunshine Sharing - Herbal Medicine for Children

Happy woman giving medicine to childSafe and Effective Remedies for Kids 
(And How to Get Them to Enjoy Taking Them)

Parents who want to use herbal medicine with their children face many questions. Is it safe to use herbs with children? If so, what herbs are best for children? How do I adjust the dose for my child’s age and weight? And, how do I get my child to take icky tasting herbs, especially if they can’t swallow capsules? In this issue of Sunshine Sharing, we’ll address these questions and provide a list of safe remedies for common ailments that affect children.

What Herbs Are Safe for Children?

Generally speaking any non-toxic herb is safe to use with children two and older. If an herb has no toxic effects on an adult it should be safe for a child. Children have more sensitive systems than adults, which means that they do well with mild-acting remedies and don’t need stronger, more harshly acting remedies.

Because infants (children under the age of two) are especially sensitive you should be more cautious, but there are still many mild herbal remedies that are safe to use.

The general guidelines are as follows. Don’t use herbs that are extremely bitter, strongly astringent or pungent (spicy) with small children. Also avoid herbs that are strongly hormonal or are generally used as tonics for the elderly, such as ginseng or black cohosh. Children will instinctively not want to take these stronger remedies anyway.

When using herbs for children choose herbs that have a more food-like action; remedies that people have either eaten as foods or have used to season foods. For example, consider gentle aromatics, alteratives, fruits or mucilaginous remedies. The bottom line is if it’s really nasty-tasting to adults, you probably shouldn’t give it to children unless it’s a small part of a formula containing milder herbs.

Getting Children to Take Herbs

Because some herbs don’t taste good, it can be a challenge to get children to take them. If a child can swallow capsules that’s great, they won’t taste anything. However, the dose for a child might only be 1/2 half a capsule or less. If this is the case you can empty out part of a capsule or purchase empty capsules to fill. Dosing children with capsules can be tricky, so it may be easier to get the correct dose in a liquid form such as a tea, glycerite, syrup or tincture. Herbal Teas Teas…

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Great Herbal Remedies for Children

There are many safe and effective herbal remedies for children. Here are a few of the best single herbs and some good herbal formulas for children ages 2-12. Many of these can also be used with children under age 2, but if you’re not experienced in using herbs you should talk to a professional herbalist about what is safe to use. It’s also a good idea to keep some of these remedies on hand so you’re prepared to use them at the first sign of illness. Single Herbs for Kids Astragalus Astragalus…

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When to Go See a Doctor

It’s great to use home remedies as first aid for minor injuries or to help children recover from common viral ailments like colds and flu, but there are times when parents should seek medical attention for their children. These include all of the following:Severe allergic reactions to foods or insect bitesAnimal bites by wild or unknown animalsSevere burns (3rd degree), broken bones, puncture wounds and deep cuts; also wounds that become infectedProlonged diarrhea or explosive or persistent vomiting,…

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Additional Resources

Strategies for Health by Steven Horne

In This Issue

  • The Sunshine Sharing Hour
    Using Herbs with Children

    Parents who want to use herbal medicines with their children face numerous questions. Is it safe to use herbs with children?…

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