There’s a problem you’ve likely never heard of that contributes to the development of many chronic health problems, including excess or deficient weight, poor muscle tone, mood disorders, arthritis, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, and even cancer. And although you may be unfamiliar with this problem, there’s a high probability that you have it. In fact, some health experts believe that your chance of having it are about the same as your age. So, if you’re 50, there’s a 50% chance you have it. If you’re 70, the chance increases to 70%.
The problem is hypochlorhydria, a fancy name for low stomach acid. The ironic thing about this health issue is that most people who have it think they have the opposite problem. They believe they have too much stomach acid because they often suffer from acid indigestion, heartburn, or acid reflux.
Based on this incorrect assumption they take antacids, or even acid blockers, trying to fix their tummy troubles. This approach not only fails to correct the real problem, it actually causes their health to further deteriorate.
So, in this issue of Sunshine Sharing, you’re going to learn about the importance of stomach acid, the problems associated with low stomach acid, and how to correct it properly with natural remedies. You’ll also discover how to recognize and correct two other digestive issues that are typically associated with it—intestinal dysbiosis and a hiatal hernia.
Strategies for Health by Steven Horne
Correcting a Hiatal Hernia article and videos:
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth article:
Hiatal Hernia Syndrome: Insidious Link to Major Illnesses by Theodore A. Barrody
Hiatus Hernia by Joan Lay
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