In this special class with Denny Johnson, we talk about the Rayid model of iridology, which looks at the iris as a "window of the soul" to understand the basic pattern a person was born into. We also discuss how this relates to family tree dynamics. We are the product of the generations that went before us and we have within us all of their strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. By working on these things within ourselves and by praying for, forgiving, and honoring those who came before us we can not only find healing for ourselves we can also create healthier generations for the future.

This is deep stuff and can't be comprehended without some attempt to ponder and apply it. So, don't be concerned if you don't understand it at first pass.Take the part you do understand and start applying it. The rest will come as it is needed.

I've attached files with materials that Denny has generously shared that you can review to gain more insights. Below are some links to his books and materials so you can learn more if you're drawn to this message.

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