I've had been a national manager with Nature's Sunshine for over 30 years after joining about 40 years ago. Current rank is often 200K. I'm extemely passionate in helping others to a heathier life. For years, we had stores called Th...
I am the owner of Bright Hope Wellness, a CNHP (Certified Natural Health Professional) and Certified Zyto Specialist. I am ever learning about natural health to improve the health of my family, friends, and clients. I discovered the world of herbs, l...
Nature's Sunshine Products educational coach Member #8093 Herbal remedies, for health, were instilled in me since childhood. Since 1974, Nature's Sunshine Products has provided guaranteed pure herbal products and education for me and ...
Thomas Easley, RH(AHG) is the founder and primary instructor at the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine. Thomas is a Clinical Herbalist and professional member of the American Herbalists Guild. He has been in full time clinical practice for...
Hello, my name is Tiera Rovello, WTS. I am a Certified Trichologist. My passion is to help women with scalp disorders and hair loss issues by taking a proactive approach to their hair and scalp care needs. I help women with self- confidence, pride, a...
Tiffany Freeman Dr Acu, TCMD, Cl.H (AHG), she/her, traditional name is askîy maskihkiwiskwew, earth medicine woman, is a mixed nêhiyaw iskwew of Treaty 1 ancestry (Peguis First Nation) living on Treaty 7 territory in Mohkinstsis (Calgary,...
Certificate -The HomeGrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine The curriculum is based on a solid understanding of anatomy, physiology, and the process of disease. Add to that a deep understanding of how and why the plants do what they do to the...
Tonja Wells is a Certified Natural Health Professional through Trinity School of Natural Health, a Certified Herbal Health Consultant through Tree of Light Institute and a Certified In.Form Weight Loss Coach. Tonja has traved throughout the United S...