When people are eating a juicy hamburger or steak, they often talk about the food as a “heart attack in the making.” The idea that foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease and that salt causes high blood pressure, pervades our culture. It is depicted in TV and movies, referred to in casual conversations and worst of all, still promoted by most medical doctors.
The truth is that these ideas are based on decades-old, discredited research. So, in this issue of Sunshine Sharing, we talk about the facts and myths about heart disease and its prevention. We also discuss the common prescription medications used for these conditions, such as cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), blood thinners and high blood pressure medications and their natural alternatives.
We hope you’ll not only read this information but will take the time to share it, as many people are being misled about the real cause of heart disease.
Strategies for Health by Steven Horne
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