Sunshine Sharing - Lovin' the Skin You're In

Healthy SkinWe’re all familiar with the saying that “beauty is only skin deep,” but having beautiful skin is so important that around 100 billion dollars are spent on skin care products globally. That’s not even counting the 571 billion spent on cosmetics. Skin care is important for both women and men. About 65% of women use skin care products daily and 37% of men use them daily as well. And considering the skin is the largest and most visible organ and an indicator of overall health this makes a lot of sense.

Given this information, it’s interesting how few people understand that to tackle chronic skin problems you need look more than skin deep. The health of the skin is completely dependent on the health of other organs and body systems such as the digestive system, liver, gallbladder, circulatory system, kidneys, and the endocrine glands (especially the pituitary, pineal gland, thyroid, and reproductive glands).

This means that topical treatments alone aren’t enough to correct a skin condition. They will only mask or push the problem elsewhere. You should always look deeper when working to create healthy skin. In this month’s Sunshine Sharing we’ll discuss how you can improve the health and beauty of your skin by supporting your body’s detoxification systems, endocrine glands, and overall health, as well as natural topical treatments.

The Importance of Healthy Skin

We don’t usually think of the skin as an organ in the same way we would the liver or kidneys, but the skin is an organ. In fact, it is the largest organ in the body. As an organ, it performs several vital functions. Your skin along with the membranes in your respiratory system and GI tract form your first line of immune defense, protecting you from both infection and toxins. So, unhealthy skin makes it easier for infectious organisms to enter your body.

The skin also plays a critical role in regulating body temperature. The skin pores can open or close to conserve or release body heat, which also helps maintain health.

Finally, you skin is an important eliminative organ. In fact, it is the body’s largest eliminative organ, acting primarily as a back-up system for the colon and kidneys. It has the capacity to eliminate both water-soluble substances (via the sweat glands) and fat soluble substances (via the sebaceous or oil glands). Thus, keeping the skin healthy is not just for beauty’s sake. It’s also important for overall health.

Inside Out Skin Care

To help keep your skin healthy, it's important to start with things you can do internally to promote healthy skin. This involves supporting detoxification, supplying your skin with nutrients and supporting your glands.

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Topical Aids for Skin Health

While it’s important to work from the inside out, there are things you can do topically to support skin health. These include keeping the skin clean, reducing skin irritation, and selecting personal care products carefully. Cleansing the Skin Skin pores can become clogged if the skin is not cleansed properly. Use natural soaps on the skin that don’t contain harsh chemicals. If the skin is oily, it can be helpful to apply clay to the skin as a facial mask or to use it in a bath. Clay absorbs…

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Solving Specific Skin Problems

With a general understanding of how to cleanse the skin and soothe skin irritation, let’s look at specific skin problems and additional things you can do to resolve them. Acne and Pimples Acne plugs up the oil secreting glands of the skin and often involves problems with eating unhealthy fats or having problems with fat metabolism. If you have acne, eliminate all processed vegetable oils and fried foods from the diet. It may also help to take vitamin A and D to prevent the fats in your body…

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In This Issue

  • The Sunshine Sharing Hour
    Lovin' the Skin You're In

    We’ve all heard the saying that “beauty is only skin deep,” but the fact is that having beautiful healthy skin is so…

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