Every time some new type of infection is discovered, many people get scared. This isn’t surprising. The news media often plays upon people’s fears of disease, reminding them of historical pandemics like the Spanish flu epidemic, which occurred over 100 years ago. Fears are also fueled by movies and TV shows depicting humanity being devastated by some plague. Films like The Last Man on Earth, The Andromeda Strain, The Stand, 12 Monkeys, Outbreak, and World War Z are just few of the more popular films that feature a deadly plague wiping out most of humanity.
The plague scenario makes an exciting story, but it bears little resemblance to modern reality. It’s true that a little over 100 years ago, infectious disease was the leading cause of death, but this is no longer the case. The primary reason for this is not vaccines, as many diseases for which no vaccines were ever developed have almost disappeared. It was primarily due to improved sanitation which has saved more lives than any other development.
It’s also true that many people do die each year from various infections, such as the flu virus. But it is important to remember that most of these deaths occur in people who’s immune systems have already been weakened by other health issues. This is why it is important to take care of your health and especially your immune system.
Even when plagues have occurred in the past, not everyone gets sick. This is because a healthy immune system has the ability to adapt and protect you. So, rather than worrying about the latest microbe, why not concentrate on keeping a healthy immune system and learning how to fight infections naturally. That’s the focus of this issue of Sunshine Sharing. In it you’ll learn how you can support your immune system and enhance your body’s ability to fight infection and how to help your body recover if you do become sick.
Nutrition plays a large role in immunity. This was demonstrated by the work of Dr. Weston Price, who toured the world in the 1930s studying indigenous people and civilized people living in the same part of the world. He assessed both their diets and their health and discovered that native people were largely immune to many of the infections that plagued civilized people living in the same region.
Dr. Price concluded that this had to do with the nutritional density of the foods they were eating. Native people were getting ten times more fat-soluble vitamins and macro minerals in their diet, along with four times more water-soluble vitamins than their civilized counterparts eating their refined and processed foods. Dr. Price wasn’t testing for trace minerals, such as zinc, copper, or selenium, but based on studies showing the decline of these minerals in modern diets, it’s likely these native people were getting ten times more of these nutrients as well.
So, if you want to avoid being sick, eat nutritionally-dense, whole, natural foods, instead of refined sugar, white flour, white rice, refined vegetable oils, and other processed foods. In addition you can supplement your diet with immune boosting nutrients. It’s especially important to do this during the winter months or when some new infection is going around.
The most important supplements for a healthy immune system are the fat-soluble vitamins A, D3, and K2. Dr. Price helped cure many people by giving them cod liver oil (rich in vitamin A and D) and spring butter from grass fed cows, which supplements vitamin K2 (a nutrient Dr. Price called Activator X because it had not been discovered at the time). These vitamins are essential to keeping mucus membranes healthy so microbes can’t get into the body in the first place. They’re also essential for the immune system so it can fight infections, particularly viral infections.
A good dose of vitamin D3 to take for maintenance during the winter months is 50-100 mcg (1-2,000 I.U.). You can have your D3 levels checked (about 80% of the population is deficient) and take larger amounts, 125-350 mcg (5-10,000 I.U.), if your levels are low. You can take a higher dose, until levels return to normal. As for vitamin A, a good dose would be about 3,000 I.U. daily, while a good dose for K2 is about 45 mcg a day.
Vitamin C is also helpful in boosting immunity. Many people find that high doses of vitamin C (2,000 to 5,000 milligrams) help them avoid colds and flu and recover more quickly from viral infections. When taking vitamin C in larger doses, it’s important to take bioflavonoids with it as they work synergistically with vitamin C.
Zinc is helpful for inhibiting viral replication and supplementing with it has helped people both prevent and recover from viral infections. It’s important not to overdo it with zinc as taking too much of any isolated mineral will throw other minerals out of balance. You can take 20-30 milligrams per day for a few days at the beginning of symptoms, but a maintenance dose is going to be more like 5-15 milligrams daily.
It also helps to take zinc with a zinc ionosphore, a substance that helps zinc get inside the cell where it works to inhibit viral replication. Two natural ionosphores are quercitin and epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) which is extracted from green tea. Quercitin is found in many foods naturally high in vitamin C, including apples, onions, red grapes, and citrus fruits. You can also supplement with about 500 milligrams two or three times a day.
Strategies for Health by Steven Horne
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