We all face adversity in our lives—things go wrong, people betray us, and bad things happen. However, what happens is less important than how we deal with what happens and how we deal with what happens arises from our belief systems. So, in this webinar I present some different belief systems you can start adopting. These include:
You see, we can find the opportunities present in the adversity we face. We can allow them to harden our hearts or we can allow them to soften our hearts. We can choose to become better people because of them, or worse people. The choice is ours.
Watch the video below. Handouts to the right.
Steven Horne's member program includes monthly training in natural healing techniques using herbs, nutrition, dietary supplements and lifestyle changes as well as emotional healing and other holistic techniques through our webinars, including The Opportunity in Adversity.
Steven has helped thousands of people succeed with herbs and natural healing. Sign up today and gain access to his powerful, practical insights to improve your health using herbs and natural healing and to help others do the same.
The Opportunity in Adversity is part of Steven Horne's Strategic Herbalist Member program.
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