Sunshine Sharing - Fungal Friends & Fungal Foes

Some species of fungi are very beneficial and others are downright harmful. Beneficial fungi include edible and medicinal mushrooms and the yeast used to make bread and alcoholic beverages. Many species of molds and yeast can be agents of infection causing problems from vaginal yeast infections to unsightly toenail fungus.

This issue of Sunshine Sharing covers both the good and bad sides of yeast and fungi. It will teach how to utilize your fungal friends and overcome fungal foes, including information on yeast and fungal infections and what to do to get rid of them naturally. As well as the value of medicinal mushrooms and how to use them to improve your health.

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Strategies for Health by Steven Horne

In This Issue

  • The Sunshine Sharing Hour
    The Fungus Among Us

    Fungi are literally everywhere. Some are very useful. For example, the fungi known as yeast are used to make bread rise and…

    Watch webinar

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