Millions of people both young and old suffer from arthritis, back pain and other problems of stiffness and pain. This issue of Sunshine Sharing is written to help them start fixing the root causes of this pain and will help lead them to real healing that can produces permanent relief.
In it, we’ll talk about how over-the-counter and prescription pain relieving medications aren't the answer to painful joints and stiff muscles. We'll cover some of natural alternatives to these medications, but we’ll go far beyond this symptomatic relief. We’ll look at the underlying causes of stiff and painful movement and talk about how to eliminate them. Including how to remove chemical and mechanical irritation, reduce inflammation and relax muscle tension, and what nutrients are needed for healthy bones, muscles and joints.
You can read the issue in the window below or click on this link to view it in a new window.
Strategies for Health by Steven Horne
Steven Horne's monthly member program is a way for you to get great information about herbs and natural healing to build your herbal business. Including the ability to share issues of Sunshine Sharing like this one. Click here to learn more.