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Steven's Articles

Lilac: A Herald of Spring
A flower essence and fragrance for reconnecting…


A sweet, cooling remedy for fevers, infections,…

Cinchona Bark and Quinine
The South American herbal remedy that has saved…

Alfalfa's Sweet Relative: Melilot
Sweet clover can soothe digestion, reduce edema,…

The Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits of Tea
Reduce inflammation, aid mental focus, treat minor…

A flavonoid for reducing allergies and fighting…


Soybeans: Healthy Food or Health Hazard?
Soy has potential health benefits, but it also…

Grapefruit and Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil
Valuable Medicinal Food and Mood-Enhancing Essential Oil

Rose Geranium and Wild Geranium
Two unique and useful remedies from the Geranium family

Clary Sage
An estrogenic essential oil to calm the mind and…


White, Red, European and Tree Peony
A garden flower with benefits for the liver, blood,…

The Viburnums: Cramp Bark and Black Haw
Valuable antispasmodics for dysmenorrhea, intestinal…

The Do-Good Patrol
A Cautionary Tale of Teenagers Doing Good

Wild Yam
A valuable antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory remedy

Dong Quai
A popular Chinese herb that builds the blood and…

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