Steven has written many books about herbs, emotional health, and natural healing. Here are some of them.

Strategies for Health

If you’re looking to solve your own health problems, help someone you love, or you’re searching for answers to assist customers or clients, this practical guide to natural remedies will help you succeed.This book is the result of the healing journey I started fifty years ago when I failed to find answers to my own chronic respiratory problems. After years of getting worse with allopathic treatments, I discovered a different approach. I started studying and applying the use of herbs, diet, and…

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Modern Herbal Dispensatory

Modern Herbal Dispensatory is a best-selling book on making and using herbal medicines. It's also a quick reference to the uses, dosage forms, and dosages of over 300 of the most popular herbs in modern Western Herbalism. 

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Blood Type, pH, and Nutrition Charts

A healthy diet is one of the foundations of good health and an important component of healing from all chronic and degenerative diseases. However, when it comes to diet, no one diet fits everyone's health needs. Blood type is one clue to understanding which foods are helpful for an individual's health. We have created a page of resources to learn more about the Blood Type Diet and how it can support health maintenance and disease recovery. The blood type diet, however, is just one key to a healthy…

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Member Program

Discover Excellence in Natural Health EducationIf you’re interested in learning how to use herbal remedies effectively you’ve come to the right place. Steven Horne has spent over 40 years teaching people how to identify and fix the root causes of their health problems rather than just treating the symptoms. He is a recognized expert in herbalism, essential oils, flower essences, diet, nutritional supplements, and other natural healing techniques.When you join Steven’s member program you’ll…

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Aromatherapy for Emotional Healing Chart

The Aromatherapy for Emotional Healing chart covers eight different categories of essential oils and sixteen different qualities of fragrance. These are laid out in an energetic wheel based on yin and yang and the four elements (air, water, fire, and earth). It also lays out essential oils for the twelve emotional centers Steven uses in his emotional healing work. This valuable chart helps you understand how different types of essential oils affect us both emotionally and physically. The back includes…

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Energetic Categories of Herbs Chart

This chart shows the twelve basic categories of herbs and their energetic relationships. This chart utilizes an energetic system based on the concept of yin and yang and the Western four-element model. The front of the chart explains the characteristics, energetics, constituents, and properties of each category. The back gives profiles of 47 commonly used herbal remedies.You can order the charts from Simplee Natural or on Amazon.The twelve basic categories of herbs are also discussed in the books Modern…

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Strategies for Health Consulting Course

Strategies for Health Consulting CourseDuring 2024 and 2025 STEVEN HORNE will be teaching a five-module, forty-lesson course for members using his STATEGIES FOR HEALTH book  as the primary textbook. (purchased on Amazon).Part One: Foundational Principles of Strategic Herbalism (Jan-May 2024)Part Two: Basic Strategic Herbal Therapies (May-Sept 2024)Part Three: Principles of Strategic Direct Aid (Oct 2024 - Feb 2025)Part Four: Basic Assessment Tools and Body Systems (Mar-July 2025)Part Five: Balancing…

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