In any crisis situation, many people are going to go into shock. They will be stunned and unable to think or act clearly. Others will panic, acting irrationally, and perhaps even violently, to the situation. Helping people deal with this is a major skill we need if we're to help people work together to overcome the crisis. In this webinar, we'll start by talking about what you need to do to be prepared so that you can be calm during a crisis situation and help others to do so as well. The basic motto is, "if you are prepared you won't fear."

Then, we'll talk about how to help people with physical and emotional shock, including remedies we can give them to help them get back into their right minds, such as Rescue Remedy, Five-Flower Remedy, Distress Remedy, capsicum, arnica, red clover, and others. 

Finally, we'll discuss how to help people who are having a panic attack, so they can calm down and return to a rational state of mind. This will include remedies we can use for this such as lobelia, kava kava, and some of the remedies used for shock, as well as breathing techniques, listening skills, and prayer.  

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Steven Horne's member program includes monthly training in natural healing techniques using herbs, nutrition, dietary supplements and lifestyle changes as well as emotional healing and other holistic techniques through our webinars, including Be Herbally Prepared: Dealing with Shock and Panic.

Steven has helped thousands of people succeed with herbs and natural healing. Sign up today and gain access to his powerful, practical insights to improve your health using herbs and natural healing and to help others do the same.

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Be Herbally Prepared: Dealing with Shock and Panic is part of Steven Horne's Strategic Herbalist Member program.

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  • Abuse and Trauma
  • Shock