I don't know if you can see the writing on the wall, but there are a lot of troubling things happening in the world right now. Preparation to deal with difficult times isn't just physical, it's also mental, emotional, and spiritual. There's a very important principle that says, "if you are prepared, you won't fear."

Pilots, firefighters, police, and military personnel all receive training that helps them to act courageously in difficult situations. Having thought through things that might happen and having plans to deal with emergencies helps a person to stay calm in difficulties and emergencies, thereby being able to help others rather than being caught up in panic and fear.

Part of this preparation is learning how to deal with your own emotions in a constructive way. We'll discuss ways of handling your own anger and fear so you can think clearly rather than react emotionally.

There is also a spiritual aspect of this preparation. Being able to access spiritual guidance is very important as it can help you not only to protect yourself but also to guide and help others. We'll talk about how to increase your ability to do this. 

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Be Herbally Prepared: Mental Preparation for Hard Times is part of Steven Horne's Strategic Herbalist Member program.

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