Get Off the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster: Roller coasters can be fun, but the blood sugar roller coaster is a dangerous ride

A roller coaster ride can be great fun, but only because you can get off at the end of the ride. Unfortunately, millions of people get on the blood sugar roller coaster every year, and can’t get off. As their blood sugar levels go up and down their sugar levels alternately spike and crash. 

As sugar levels spike they feel an agitated rush, but the high sugar level triggers excessive insulin release, which causes the sugar levels to fall, creating a blood sugar crash. During the crash phase, the person may feel tired and irritable, and experience poor concentration and brain fog. The crash phase causes the person to crave more sugar, so they eat more food. This creates another spike phase, during which they may feel nervous, hyper, manic, and agitated, 

In short, the blood sugar roller coaster causes both mood and energy levels to rapidly rise and fall. It’s not a very stable feeling, and the body’s efforts to constantly monitor these wide swings in blood sugar levels ultimately lead to weight gain and increased levels of inflammation that damage blood vessels, brain cells, and other tissues The person develops metabolic syndrome and finally diabetes. 

If you want a more stable mood and energy level, would like to lose weight, and/or desire to reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, memory loss during aging, and other chronic and degenerative diseases, it’s time to get off the blood sugar roller coaster, We’ll explain how to escape from this dangerous ride in this month’s Sunshine Sharing hour. Join us to learn how to balance your blood sugar for better energy, a better mood, and an overall healthier body.

Steven Horne's Member Program Benefit

Get Off the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster is part of Steven Horne's Strategic Herbalist Member program.

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  • Diabetes
  • Hyperinsulinemia
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Sugar Cravings
Sunshine Sharing - Vol. 34 #9

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