For over three decades, Steven Horne has been producing educational materials to help people build successful businesses helping others with herbs, supplements and natural healing techniques. His materials have helped hundreds of people with their businesses. The Sunshine Sharing Hour is a monthly class that members can offer to their customers to promote and build their businesses. Members can attend the monthly webinar, ask questions, and download the video and audio recording, PowerPoint presentation, and handouts to teach their own live classes or webinars or to share the recordings with their customers.

The Sunshine Sharing Hour Classes

Solving Learning Problems

Solving Learning Problems

For some people, learning seems easy. They are able to pay attention, readily absorb information by either listening or reading and are also able to retain and use their new knowledge.Others experience mental blocks that make it difficult for them to…


Parasites: Evicting the Unwanted Guests

Parasites: Evicting the Unwanted Guests

Parasites are a common, but frequently undiagnosed, part of many people’s chronic health problems. When we think of parasites, we typically think of intestinal worms, like tapeworm and roundworm, but certain single-celled organisms like amoebas, giardia,…


Healing with Topical Applications

Healing with Topical Applications

When most people decide to heal themselves with herbs, they typically think about taking them internally. However, if there’s a problem or pain in a particular part of the body, doesn’t it make sense to apply the remedy to the afflicted area?In this…


Herbal Answers to Cancer

Herbal Answers to Cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in civilized nations and the number one cause of death between the ages of 45 and 75.  According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), nearly 40% of those living in the United States will be diagnosed…


Natural Solutions for Long-Term COVID

Natural Solutions for Long-Term COVID

Although many people who caught the coronavirus, COVID-19, recovered within a couple of weeks, other people are reporting symptoms that have lasted long after the acute infection. This problem is commonly called post-COVID or long-term COVID. We’ll…




Each year, about 1.3 million women enter menopause, the season of life when their monthly periods cease. This normal transition, which happens to every menstruating woman, typically occurs in a woman’s late 40s or early 50s. In the period before menopause,…


Menstrual Disorders

Menstrual Disorders

From puberty to menopause women experience a monthly hormonal cycle that typically lasts about 28 days. A surprisingly large percentage of women suffer from various discomforts during parts of this cycle. The most common problem is a variety of physical…


Stress! You Can Handle It.

Stress! You Can Handle It.

Life is filled with challenges, conflicts, difficulties, and sometimes hardships. Recent years have brought many challenges from new diseases, to rising prices for food and other necessities of life, to reports of wars and conflicts throughout the world.…



Upcoming Events

Module Two: Basic Strategic Herbal Therapies
July 23, 2024

Solving Learning Problems
July 30, 2024
Natural solutions to help children and adults with…

Seeking Solutions to Personality Disorders
August 27, 2024
Losing the Labels and Fixing the Root Causes

Natural Hair and Scalp Care
September 24, 2024
Using herbs, essential oils, and nutrients to create…

Module Three: Materia Medica and Healing Techniques
October 8, 2024

Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025