Business Training 2

One of our three goals is to help people who are trying to build a business as herbalists, aromatherapists, traditional naturopaths, or other natural health practitioners is to provide business training. Over the years, Steven has produced many webinars that guide people through the process of creating or promoting a natural health business. We also provide resources you can share on social media to promote your practice or business. These webinars will help you develop a personal vision, establish personal and professional goals, and set up, market, and manage a natural health-oriented business.

Business Training Classes

Branding Yourself

Branding Yourself

The field of natural health is still largely driven by personalities, by the "guru" image people attain. People have to see you as an expert and develop faith in you so they will seek and follow your advice. More importantly, they have enough faith in…


Storybranding Part 2

Storybranding Part 2

This is part two of our series on StoryBranding. In part one, we laid out the traditional storyline and discussed how the various story parts can be used in marketing. We also went into greater detail about the first three parts of the story, the hero…


Introduction to Storybranding

Introduction to Storybranding

In this webinar, I’ll introduce a marketing concept we've been studying called story branding. It’s a great way to craft your message and reach the audience you want. Basically, everybody loves a good story and the basic storyline is that a person…


Focusing Your Message

Focusing Your Message

It's difficult to get followers on social media if your message is too vague, too broad, unclear, or generic. It's better to create a more specific focus to attract attention. It's not that you can't branch out from there, but your initial "hook," what…


Social Media Marketing Overview

Social Media Marketing Overview

In this webinar, we'll cover the basics of using social media to promote your business. We'll discuss four platforms you can use: FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. We'll talk about setting up accounts, creating content, and building followings…


Tools for Scheduling Health Consultations

Tools for Scheduling Health Consultations

In this webinar, I’ll talk about ways to automate appointment scheduling and how to set up virtual consults. I'll review a couple of scheduling programs, including the one I use myself. I'll also talk about how you can share your appointment calendar…


Managing Your Contact List

Managing Your Contact List

One of your most important business tasks is to stay connected with your customers and potential customers. You have to start creating an audience of people who are interested in what you have to offer. Thus, your contact list is a vital part of your…


The Basics of Growing Your Natural Health Business

The Basics of Growing Your Natural Health Business

However you feel about marketing, it is important to understand how it works. In this webinar, I’ll explain how marketing can be a positive thing and the steps you need to take to grow your natural health business. I'll provide an overview of the difference…
