The field of natural health is still largely driven by personalities, by the "guru" image people attain. People have to see you as an expert and develop faith in you so they will seek and follow your advice. More importantly, they have enough faith in you to recommend you to others. Obviously, you need to have knowledge and skills to actually help people and gain their confidence. But assuming you do, you also have to communicate this to the potential customer. This means that you are your brand. You need to develop a clear image of who you are and what you stand for and communicate that to your audience.
For many of us, it can be incredibly uncomfortable to promote ourselves. We like helping people, but we often lack the self-confidence to assert ourselves into the world and say "here I am, do business with me." I understand, I'm like that. However, if you develop a clear idea of who you are and what you stand for, you can build an audience without coming across as egotistical or overbearing. In fact, you'll do better if you don't come across that way.
We'll discuss all this in this business coaching webinar, which will be the last in this series.
Steven Horne's member program includes monthly training in natural healing techniques using herbs, nutrition, dietary supplements and lifestyle changes as well as emotional healing and other holistic techniques through our webinars, including Branding Yourself.
Steven has helped thousands of people succeed with herbs and natural healing. Sign up today and gain access to his powerful, practical insights to improve your health using herbs and natural healing and to help others do the same.
Branding Yourself is part of Steven Horne's Strategic Herbalist Member program.
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