Who would have thought one year ago that we'd all be wearing masks to go shopping, experiencing lockdowns and curfews in any areas, shortages of toilet paper and other necessities, and the widespread civil unrest this country has experienced? Do you think all of this is really over? I don't.
While I'm not going to claim prophetic insight, take it from a person who has always thought in terms of emergency preparedness, if you've thought through some of the negative things that could happen and taken steps to prepare, both physically and mentally, you'll be able to handle what comes with less stress.
So, I hosted this free webinar where I talk about the possibilities of what may happen and offer some tips for basic things you can do to be better prepared to face the challenges ahead. Here's what I cover.
Click here to watch the webinar.
If you'd like to learn more, I'm hosting a series of three more webinars for people who are subscribed to our member program. Here are the three programs. You can read more about each class by clicking on the link:
Click here to register for $40 Be Prepared Now or you can join our member program either online or by calling 800-416-2887 to sign up for a monthly subscription.
Saw Palmetto
A prostate remedy with anti-aging, nutritive,…
Morinda Root and Noni Juice
A traditional Chinese kidney tonic and a modern…
A popular Ayurvedic formula for improving gastrointestinal,…
The Medicinal Benefits of Kudzu
A prolific vine helpful for cardiac health, leaky…
Activated Charcoal
An effective remedy for diarrhea, chemical poisoning,…
Wood Betony
Relieving pain, strengthening the celiac (solar)…
A traditional anti-inflammatory herb for fevers…
Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)
A remedy for vasoconstrictive headaches, mental…
A common spice than can settle digestive issues and ease pain
A supplement to aid depression, liver function, and arthritis
A valuable remedy for breaking fevers and healing achy bones
Bilberries and Blueberries
Tasty food remedies for eye health, circulation…
The kitchen herb that fights digestive and respiratory infections
Spirulina, Chlorella, and Blue-Green Algae
Nutritious freshwater algae can help with the…
A tonic for a relaxed digestive tract and a flower…
If you want to help yourself and others obtain effective results with herbs, supplements, and other natural healing therapies, you’ve come to the right place. Download the course brochure to learn more. Our strategies for health course will train you to treat people, rather than diseases, and help them rebuild and restore their health. The course consists of five modules covering a total of forty lessons.
The course is part of our member program. Join today.