The Certified Herbal Consultant program is a series of eight courses offered by the School of Modern Herbal Medicine to give people the knowledge they need to use commercial herbal products and nutritional…
The Certified Iridology program consists of three classes: Practical Iridology (IIPA Level One), the Iridology Workshop (IIPA Level Two) and the free Running a Successful Consulting Business class. Practical…
If you want to learn how to take care of yourself and your family with herbs, the Family Herbalist Certification is the perfect program for you. In this series of four courses, offered once each year,…
Dan Buettner spent many years researching "blue zones" in different parts of the world. Blue zones are areas where a surprisingly large percentage…
The human immune system is amazing in its remarkable ability to determine what is “self” and what is “non-self,” or in other words,…
Thyroid disease is extremely common both in America and around the world and thyroid problems are often an underlying cause of other health problems.…
The skeletal system provides structural support, but it also serves as a storehouse for minerals and the housing for bone marrow, essential to…
Learning how to select remedies based on biological terrain and body system imbalances prevents you from prescribing treatments for diseases.…
It’s illegal for unlicensed people to make a diagnosis, but since we’re not trying to treat diseases it’s not necessary to diagnose diseases.…
In this module, we’ll talk about our healing materials starting with understanding the six tissue states and the actions of herbs. We’ll…
Recent research has revealed a strong link between the health of the intestinal tract and the brain. The “gut brain” or enteric nervous system…
According to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, headache disorders are among the most prevalent and disabling conditions worldwide. Each…
Do you suffer from forgetfulness, lack of mental clarity and focus, cloudy thinking, mental confusion, or lack of confidence in your learning…
Blood flow is important to the health of every cell in the body. Blood delivers the oxygen and nutrients cells need and removes the carbon dioxide…
While problems with our hair and scalp aren’t life-threatening emergencies, they do affect our self-confidence and self-esteem. However, they…
The second module in our Stategic Herbalist training explains some powerful and basic healing techniques that apply to a wide variety of health…
Psychology attaches many different labels to people who have problems functioning in social relationships. These problems range from difficulties…
For some people, learning seems easy. They are able to pay attention, readily absorb information by either listening or reading and are also…
This is a video I created many years ago demonstrating how to test for dyslexia (problems with right-left brain communication) on the physical,…
I extracted this from my class Holistic Approach to Learning Problems as a shorter video to teach the tutoring method I learned in my experimental…
In this special class with Denny Johnson, we talk about the Rayid model of iridology, which looks at the iris as a "window of the soul" to understand…
Parasites are a common, but frequently undiagnosed, part of many people’s chronic health problems. When we think of parasites, we typically…
When most people decide to heal themselves with herbs, they typically think about taking them internally. However, if there’s a problem or…
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in civilized nations and the number one cause of death between the ages of 45 and 75. According…
The first part of our Strategic Herbalist course is dedicated to laying the foundational understanding of how traditional natural medicine differs…
Although many people who caught the coronavirus, COVID-19, recovered within a couple of weeks, other people are reporting symptoms that have…
Each year, about 1.3 million women enter menopause, the season of life when their monthly periods cease. This normal transition, which happens…
From puberty to menopause women experience a monthly hormonal cycle that typically lasts about 28 days. A surprisingly large percentage of women…
This video introduces the concepts behind my new Strategic Herbal Consultant Course, which I'll be teaching during 2024 and 2025. The class will…
Life is filled with challenges, conflicts, difficulties, and sometimes hardships. Recent years have brought many challenges from new diseases,…
Fat. Just say the word and notice the emotions it evokes. The word can have very negative connotations in our society. Fats have a bad reputation,…
If you study traditional herbalism, you will encounter various energetic (also known as elemental) models. For example, in traditional Chinese…