Emotional Healing Training

This is a free training program to help people do emotional healing work, based on techniques Steven Horne has developed in helping clients work through their negative emotions for more than thirty years. Emotional healing work is not about making negative emotions go away, which is what many people who say they do emotional healing try to do. Instead, it's about learning to see negative emotions as a messenger that, like pain, tells us something within us is injured and needs to be healed. The goal is not to eliminate negative emotions but to understand them and turn them into positive opportunities for growth and healing.

Negative emotions are like pain. We may not like pain, but if we didn’t feel pain, we wouldn’t know what was harmful to the body. Without pain to warn us, we would injure ourselves and never know it.  What pain does for the body, negative emotions do for the soul. Feeling excessively afraid, angry, sad, or even depressed is a sign that a particular behavior or attitude is harmful to us. So just like pain can teach us to avoid injuring our body or cause us to seek help, negative emotions can teach us how to stop harming our soul and cause us to make positive changes in our lives.

Unfortunately, few people learn the lessons that pain and negative emotions are trying to teach. Just as allopathic medicine is targeted T suppressing symptoms, our culture practices “emotional allopathy”—meaning people are taught to just try to make the negative feelings go away without understanding what is causing them. People do this in a variety of ways. For example, they may take drugs to suppress their depression or anxiety, but they may also seek to numb their emotional pain through alcohol, eating, sex, or other addictions. 

They may also try to suppress or deny their emotions or learn to project the responsibility for what we feel outward through blame. That is, we seek to restore our sense of well-being through attacking others, playing the victim, or otherwise trying to make others responsible for our emotional well-being and happiness. Running away from our emotions is like running away from the monster in a childhood nightmare. As long as we deny, suppress, or otherwise try to “get rid of” a feeling, it will continue to chase us. As the title of a book by Carol Truman so eloquently states, Feelings Buried Alive, Never Die.

All this is unfortunate because the feelings we experience in our hearts are the key to discovering our ultimate happiness. Just as pain can help us realize something is wrong and cause us to seek healing, our negative emotions can motivate us to make the changes in our life that will ultimately bring us joy, love, peace, and happiness. We just have to be willing to listen to our hearts and understand what these feelings are trying to tell us.

Emotional Healing Training Program Classes

Module One: The Spiritual Foundations of Emotional Healing

Module One: The Spiritual Foundations of Emotional Healing

I was spiritually lead into my emotional healing work and in this module, I discuss how this happened and why I feel this work is so important. I explain what I believe is the spiritual nature of our emotional conflicts and how we can explore the inner…


Module Two: Tools for Emotional Healing

Module Two: Tools for Emotional Healing

The eight lessons in this module help you understand that there is a positive purpose in every negative emotion. In these lessons, we discuss that emotions are positive and negative influences in our lives depending on whether we deal with them constructively…


Module Three: Specific Emotional Healing Tools and Techniques

Module Three: Specific Emotional Healing Tools and Techniques

The eight lessons in this module start with an introduction to my model of emotional anatomy, which is elaborated on in Module Four. I then cover the major tools I use in emotional healing work. The first of these is the question-affirmation technique,…


Module Four: Universal Energetics and the Tree of Life

Module Four: Universal Energetics and the Tree of Life

Roylon Mortensen's tree of life model is the basis for what I call emotional anatomy. It's a unique energetic model that has greatly influenced my thought processes in many areas besides emotional healing, some of which is touched upon in this module. The…



Upcoming Events

Balancing Blood Pressure Naturally
October 29, 2024

Brain Health
November 26, 2024
Keeping your mind clear and your thoughts sharp

Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025

Module Five: Balancing Body Systems
August 5, 2025