It's important to feel confident in selecting and recommending products. That’s why we created the Sunshine Product Training. This training is based on the following key ideas:
Once you understand how herbs and supplements can be used to strengthen and balance the body systems and the best remedies for each therapeutic slot getting results becomes much easier.
This program goes over each of the eleven different body systems covering how each system can be out of balance and the basic actions or therapeutic slots that can be used to strengthen and rebuild that system. In each session Steven will focus on the top remedies from Nature’s Sunshine Products for those therapeutic slots and why they are the best ones.
Remember herbs and supplements are not magic bullets for relieving disease symptoms the way drugs do. They are broad-acting remedies that support the natural mechanisms the body uses to heal itself. Understanding this will help you recommend herbs and supplements both legally and effectively. Join Steven for his Sunshine Product Training and start learning how you can too.
Please Note: I apologize for the problems with this webinar. I accidently uploaded an incorrect version of my presentation and started off using the incorrect version. Part way through the webinar I realized this, found the correct presentation and started…
Although we are covering the digestive system as one of the final systems, it is really one of the most important. Good digestion is a foundation to health. We'll discuss the best digestive remedies for various digestive issues, including natural therapies…
The immune system is an interesting system to look at for several reasons. First, because it doesn't really have any organs or specific body locations. It's a general function of the entire system. Second, most people think of immune products like they…
The urinary system may not be as widely recognized as a root cause of illness, but it is one of four major systems I have observed as primary causes of secondary health problems. The kidneys not only filter waste acid from the body, a critical function…
In this Sunshine Product Training webinar, we'll be covering nervous system remedies. We'll cover remedies for the autonomic nervous system the central nervous systems and brain. This system is different because it doesn't follow the six tissue terrain…
In this Sunshine Product Training, we're going to cover the most basic of all systems, the structural system. It's a great system to help you better understand the six tissue states and herbal energetics. We'll talk about cooling, warming, moistening,…
This Sunshine Product training focuses on the three major glands that regulate metabolism—the thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands. It also provides some suggests for the pineal and pituitary glands. The reproductive system is covered separately. We…
This Sunshine Product Training covers products that aid the various imbalances in the respiratory system, which includes addressing respiratory irritation (hayfever, rhinitis, bronchitis, etc.), respiratory dampness (mucus congestion), respiratory depression…
Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025
Autoimmune Disorders
March 25, 2025
When the body's immune system aims at the wrong target
Secrets to a Long Life
March 25, 2025
What we can learn about health from the world's blue zones
Solving Thyroid Problems
April 29, 2025
Natural approaches to correcting hypothyroid, Hashimoto's…
Health in the Bones
May 27, 2025
Natural approaches to supporting the health of the…
Module Five: Balancing Body Systems
August 5, 2025