A remedy for cough, congestion, gas, colic, and nervous indigestion, anise seed is a sweet and soothing aromatic that has antispasmodic and carminative properties.
A traditional jing tonic in traditional Chinese medicine, he shou wu helps to fortify the vital energy of the body, promoting health, restoring hair color, and prolonging life.
More than just a prostate formula, saw palmetto can be used to help both men and women, aid the elderly, reduce wasting conditions, and balance reproductive hormones. This prolific Florida plant has been used as both food and medicine by the indigenous Seminole people. And, of course, it is an incredibly valued herb for men's health.
Noni juice is the juice of the Morinda citrifolia tree. The Morinda genus consists of a small group of trees, native to Southeast Asia. The fruits, leaves, and/or roots from M. citrifolia and M. officinalis have been used as medicine and while the benefits may have been over-hyped, remedies from the Morinda trees can have benefits for your health.
Kudzu is used for both food and a medicine, helping improve heart and circulatory health. It benefits the gastrointestinal tract, soothing and toning the digestive membranes. It can also help with headaches, migraines, and stiff neck associated with intestinal problems.
An effective remedy for diarrhea, chemical poisoning, spider bites, and infected wounds, activated charcoal is a valuable remedy to have around.
A thousand year old remedy, wood betony has been used for pain relief, headaches and more. It is a mildly bitter nervine, antispasmodic, and analgesic. It also helps strengthen the celiac (solar) plexus and the gut-brain connection