Both a tasty snack and a healthy food, bilberries and blueberries can help promote eye health, healthy circulation and blood sugar balance. While they can be taken in capsules these remedies are best when consumed as food.
Freshwater algae have been used as food and medicine for thousands of years. It a nutritious source of amino acids and can help balance brain function, strengthen the immune system and improve overall general health.
While, red raspberry (Rubus idacus or R. strigosus) is widely used in herbal medicine, its close relative, blackberry (R. fruticosus or R. villosus) is less known. Of course, blackberries are widely used and have great health benefits, but the leaves and roots, which have been traditionally used as medicine, are often overlooked.
Native to North America sunflowers have spread around the world and are widely used for both their edible seeds and oil. They are also underutilized as a plant medicine and can be used to help with dry irritating coughs, help with colds and aid a weak and stressed nervous system. Energetically they can help promote a healthy sense of self-esteem.
Chlorophyll is one of the reasons we’re often advised to eat green leafy vegetables for good health. It contains important minerals like magnesium and can positively influence the health of the blood. It can also serve to energize and detoxify.
Cattails are a common sight in swampy or moist areas near lakes and streams and are easily recognizable by their brown flower stalks and long leaves. While you will probably never see cattail for sale as a vegetable or medicinal herb, it is a valuable plant for food, medicine, and utilitarian uses. Eating Cattails Cattail really shines in the ways it can be used as a food. My favorite part is the young shoots and stalks. When the plant is under two feet tall, I grab the leaves and pull on them.…