The Medicinal Benefits of Kudzu
A prolific vine helpful for cardiac health, leaky…
Activated Charcoal
An effective remedy for diarrhea, chemical poisoning,…
Wood Betony
Relieving pain, strengthening the celiac (solar)…
A traditional anti-inflammatory herb for fevers…
Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor)
A remedy for vasoconstrictive headaches, mental…
A common spice than can settle digestive issues and ease pain
A supplement to aid depression, liver function, and arthritis
A valuable remedy for breaking fevers and healing achy bones
Bilberries and Blueberries
Tasty food remedies for eye health, circulation…
The kitchen herb that fights digestive and respiratory infections
Spirulina, Chlorella, and Blue-Green Algae
Nutritious freshwater algae can help with the…
A tonic for a relaxed digestive tract and a flower…
The Beautiful and Bold Sunflower
A food remedy for dry cough and promoting healthy self-esteem
The green blood of plants that helps the red blood of people
Tasty Cattails
A wild plant useful for food, medicine, and survival
Get Steven Horne's Strategies for Health book, a comprehensive guide to natural health. Covers 500 health conditions; hundreds of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other supplements; and powerful diets and lifestyle changes for creating a healthier life.