These are stand alone classes we offer to help people master specific skills. 

Individual Classes Classes

An Introduction to Strategic Herbalism

An Introduction to Strategic Herbalism

This video introduces the concepts behind my new Strategic Herbal Consultant Course, which I'll be teaching during 2024 and 2025. The class will consist of five modules with 40 classes. There will be a certificate of completion for each module and a certificate…


Learning How to Learn

This first video is an overview of the Walter Gong model. Watch the video, then click here to take the quiz to see if you grasped the major points in the video.



Upcoming Events

Sound Moral Reasoning
January 16, 2025
An energetic approach to moral behavior and spiritual development

Gut-Brain Connection
January 28, 2025
The health of the gut affects the health of the brain,…

Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025

Secrets to a Long Life
March 25, 2025
What we can learn about health from the world's blue zones

Autoimmune Disorders
April 29, 2025
When the body's immune system aims at the wrong target

Natural Help for Thyroid Disorders
May 27, 2025
Healing hypothyroid, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and Grave's disease