Vaccines are one of the “sacred cows” of modern medicine. We’ve all been told how vaccines have wiped out certain contagious diseases, and every year people faithfully line up to get vaccines for themselves and their children. But are vaccines really all they’re cracked up to be? Here are some facts to consider. For starters, the myth is that the vaccines make you immune. This simply isn’t true. A vaccine presents a challenge to your immune system, which mounts a response and prepares antibodies to defend itself against the disease. Therefore, it’s your immune system, not the vaccine, that makes you immune.
Secondly, there is ample evidence that vaccines can “backfire” if your immune system is compromised. This means the vaccine itself actually makes you sick because your immune system wasn’t strong enough to mount a response. The fact is, that few people have ever read the list of ingredients or the list of possible side effects in the vaccines they routinely accept. An even smaller number of people have done their own research on the topic.
In this month’s Herbal Hour, we’ll tell you the whole story about vaccines, including their potential problems and side effects. We’ll also discuss how to help the real hero of immunity, our own immune system, with herbs and nutrition. If you have had vaccines, we’ll tell you how to detoxify from them. If you’re going to vaccinate yourself or your children, we’ll tell you how to minimize side effects and if you want to avoid them, we’ll provide you with information on how to legally do so. Join us at this month’s Herbal Hour and learn why vaccines aren’t always a “hot shot.” Also discover alternatives that can help you avoid being on the “wrong end” of the vaccine issue. This is important information that everyone needs to hear, so bring your family and friends.
Steven Horne's member program includes monthly training in natural healing techniques using herbs, nutrition, dietary supplements and lifestyle changes as well as emotional healing and other holistic techniques through our webinars, including It's Not Such a Hot Shot After All.
Steven has helped thousands of people succeed with herbs and natural healing. Sign up today and gain access to his powerful, practical insights to improve your health using herbs and natural healing and to help others do the same.
It's Not Such a Hot Shot After All is part of Steven Horne's Strategic Herbalist Member program.
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