Spring Cleaning for Your Body: Spring is the Perfect Time for a Good Cleanse

As winter draws to a close and warm breezes coax early spring flowers to brighten the landscape, you might be inspired to clean out your home. You might do a deep clean, throw out clutter, get organized, and open windows and doors to welcome in the fresh air and sunshine.

Tradition also suggests that spring is a good time for cleansing the body. During the winter, people living in colder climates are typically less active physically and their body has adapted to the cold of winter. In response to this, when the first young plants of spring appear, many of them were gathered and used as spring tonics to “thin the blood” and prepare the body for summer.

In some religious traditions, spring is also the time of a major fast. These 40-day fasts were not total fasts, they typically involve abstaining from meat, dairy, eggs, and oil; the heavier foods are typically eaten during winter weather. Fasting is probably the oldest way of detoxifying the body. 

Fasting and detoxification have long been cornerstones of naturopathic healing. Eliminating waste from the system is one way of reducing irritation and inflammation throughout the body and giving the body a chance to focus on repairs instead of digesting heavy food. 

In this month’s Sunshine Sharing Hour, we’ll talk about why cleansing or detoxification is important to health, especially in the modern world. We’ll also talk about the health benefits of fasting, either totally or from specific foods. More importantly, we’ll talk about the elements of a good cleanse and offer several options for a spring cleaning program for the body. 

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Spring Cleaning for Your Body is part of Steven Horne's Strategic Herbalist Member program.

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  • Cleansing Programs


  • Detoxifying
Sunshine Sharing - Vol. 34 #4
Spring is a Perfect Time for a Good Cleanse

Read this issue of Sunshine Sharing