Urinary System Formulas & New Products

Urinary System Formulas & New Products

The urinary system may not be as widely recognized as a root cause of illness, but it is one of four major systems I have observed as primary causes of secondary health problems. The kidneys not only filter waste acid from the body, a critical function…


Understanding Energetics

Years ago I discovered energetics, an understanding of how the universe is based on energy and the laws governing energy. I've applied energetics to many things and recently I've been working on making practical tools for people to use energetic principles.…


Eliminating Love Busters

Eliminating Love Busters

In continuing our theme of building healthy relationships, this webinar will focus on the things we do that destroy feelings of love. When we do one of these love buster activities, we make withdrawals from the other person's emotional bank account. If…


 Following the Cycles of Nature for Health

Following the Cycles of Nature for Health

Do you feel better at some times of the day and worse at others? Do you find it difficult to go to sleep, but feel tired in the morning? Are you more frequently ill during certain times of the year?There are reasons why your health changes with the times…


Seeking a Third Alternative

In this Healthy Perspective, I discuss the concepts from Stephen R. Covey's book The Third Alternative. It's about seeking ways to overcome our differences by seeking solutions that satisfy the polarities that divide us. Synthesis isn't about winning…


Serotonin, Antidepressants and Violence

My previous recording of this show was made right after two mass shootings on the same day. As the media spun their stories about gun control, political rhetoric and hate speech, I know that these things have been around for a couple of hundred years…


 Nervous System Formulas

Nervous System Formulas

In this Sunshine Product Training webinar, we'll be covering nervous system remedies. We'll cover remedies for the autonomic nervous system the central nervous systems and brain. This system is different because it doesn't follow the six tissue terrain…


Biological Differences

Estrogen and testosterone not only create the obvious physical differences between men and women, they also program differences in the way the senses, brain and nervous system work. This leads to differences in perception and interpretation of the world…
