Keeping Women's Health Cycles in Balance

Keeping Women's Health Cycles in Balance

Women experience a unique challenge to their physical and emotional well-being. Each month until menopause they go through a cyclic process of hormonal changes. If these hormones get too far out of balance they can create physical discomforts such as…


Social Issues and Gender Roles

Social Issues and Gender Roles

These days, the idea of traditional gender roles is loudly criticized and mocked. Yet, roles are essential in playing any game, including the marriage game. We addressed this in the previous webinar on The Enchantment of Opposites. In this webinar, we'll…


 Immune System Formulas

Immune System Formulas

The immune system is an interesting system to look at for several reasons. First, because it doesn't really have any organs or specific body locations. It's a general function of the entire system. Second, most people think of immune products like they…


Lessons from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Lessons from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

In this episode of the Healthy Perspective, I cover why traditional systems of medicine, like TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), have a lot to teach those of us living in Western society. Unlike Western medicine, which is reductionistic, materialistic,…


The Enchantment of Opposites

The Enchantment of Opposites

A few years back I found a wonderful book, now out of print, entitled The Enchantment of Opposites by Patricia Taylor. This book provided me with the most practical advice on how to create successful relationships between men and women that I've ever…


Common Sense Thinking About Healthy Diet

If you study natural healing very much you'll encounter all types of dietary philosophies. There are vegans, vegetarians, paleo diets and much more. I've always thought that eating according to a philosophy is a basic error in nutrition. Here's why.First,…


 Nutrition and Herbs for the Brain

Nutrition and Herbs for the Brain

At one time, it was believed the brain, once damaged, could not be repaired. It was thought that damage to the brain, learning disabilities, and memory loss were irreversible. Research into what is called neuroplasticity is now showing that this is not…


Cupid's Poisoned Arrow

Cupid's Poisoned Arrow

Sex is great, right? I mean from popular literature you can't have too much sex, can you?  And, more sex in a relationship makes the relationship better, right? Wrong. Traditional wisdom suggests that sex can be a destructive or a constructive…
