The Compassionate Heart

The Compassionate Heart

This webinar is based on the idea that the heart is more than a pump. It is an organ with an electromagnetic pulse that helps move the blood and also sets the emotional state of the body. The electromagnetic pulse of the heart can be transmitted and received…


More Tips for Internet Marketing

More Tips for Internet Marketing

This is a demonstration of working with internet marketing tools. It is probably out of date as websites change constantly. There are no handouts with this video.


Aromatherapy for Body, Mind and Home

Aromatherapy for Body, Mind and Home

When we smell the freshness of a pine forest after a rain or an orchard in bloom, we’re experiencing one aspect of aromatherapy—how the fragrances of plants can impact our mood and emotions. The volatile compounds that give plants their characteristic…


The Three Laws of Human Relationship

The Three Laws of Human Relationship

This webinar discusses judgment, justice, and mercy as three laws of human relationships. It discusses relationships as a connection that creates an exchange of energy between two people or things. It discusses the golden rule and the law of the harvest…


Healing with Herbs and Water

Healing with Herbs and Water

When people are sick, the first thing they usually think of is some sort of medicine, herb or supplement. What they often fail to realize is that without adequate water in the body, these remedies simply won’t work. Water is the foundation of all…


Effective Learning and Teaching

Effective Learning and Teaching

'If you want to be successful in life and stay "ahead of the game" in business, you have to constantly be learning and growing. Highly successful people are never stagnant. They never "arrive" when it comes to knowing things, but are constantly wiling…


Using Mental Tools

Using Mental Tools

In this webinar, I'll explain what mental tools are and why I believe they work. I'll give you examples of various mental tools I've used successfully.  I'll even explain how to use this technique to get more effective results with prayer. Mental…


Oxygen: The Breath of Life

Oxygen: The Breath of Life

In this Sunshine Sharing hour we're going to talk about how you can better oxygenate your body through a variety of means. We'll show how deep breathing exercises can improve stamina, endurance and mental concentration, while reducing chronic pain. We'll…
