Traditional Remedies for Cold and Flu

Traditional Remedies for Cold and Flu

At one time people didn’t run to the doctor for every sniffle or sneeze. Most of the time they used home remedies and only sought medical assistance for serious or persistent illnesses. It’s a shame that many people have forgotten these old-time remedies…


Creativity: Awakening Your Inner Genius

Creativity: Awakening Your Inner Genius

This webinar discusses creativity and creative thinking. It talks about the importance of believing in your ideas. It also talks about the idea that intelligence is not entirely genetic, but is also developed through practice. It explains how we limit…


Forgiveness as a Healing Technique

Forgiveness as a Healing Technique

We will be discussing how to recognize trespass and abuse and how to heal from its effects through forgiveness. We'll be talking about why forgiveness is important and how to do it.


Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that increase your risk of degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and stroke. These risk factors include:Abdominal obesity (excess fat in the stomach area)A high triglyceride level…


Working with Others

Working with Others

Managing employees, downline distributors, partners and other people in business is a very important skill that can make the difference between success and failure.


The Question-Affirmation Technique

The Question-Affirmation Technique

Most people are familiar with affirmations, a technique used to help people replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. We'll be discussing this technique and it's benefits, as well as why it sometimes backfires. We'll then discuss the power of…




It’s no secret that we live in stressful times.  Our lives are fast-paced and to maintain that pace many of us resort to consuming high amounts of sugar and caffeinated beverages, coffee, colas, and the so-called “energy” drinks. As we continue…


Keeping it Legal

Keeping it Legal

It is always surprising to hear non-licensed herbalists talk about patients and treatments. Adopting the language of medicine as an herbalist is one way to get yourself in trouble. In most states, you can practice herbalism and other natural healing techniques…
