Begin with the End in Mind: Making Your Plan

Begin with the End in Mind: Making Your Plan

This lesson talks about the process of setting and achieving goals. It begins with an overall vision of where you want to go. Then you break this vision down into smaller parts so you can set goals and specific tasks to achieve those goals. I discuss…


The Healing Power of Empathetic Listening

The Healing Power of Empathetic Listening

One of the most powerful tools one can employ in helping someone to heal emotionally is to master the art of empathetic listening. This skill is important for any practitioner of the healing arts, as it makes people feel comfortable and helps them open…


Baby Boomer Health

Baby Boomer Health

Helping America’s Largest Generation to Stay Healthy


The Demographic Winter

The Demographic Winter

This is a video about the baby boomer generation and the problems associated with the smaller rising generations. It also discusses the opportunity we have with the aging baby boomer generation. Watch the video below. Download handouts on the right.


Stop Playing the Blame Game

Stop Playing the Blame Game

All too often we waste time and energy trying to figure out whose fault it is and avoiding the responsibility for our part of the problem by playing the blame game. Avoid this no-win game and start working on solutions to problems instead of trying to affix blame.


Fats: Facts and Fallacies

Fats: Facts and Fallacies

Are you getting enough healthy fats in your diet?


Gut Health and Immunity

Gut Health and Immunity

In recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the role of gut health in immune function, specifically the innate immune system. This webinar explains how gut health influences immune function. It talks about four ways to support the innate…
