Pain Relief Without Medication

Nobody enjoys pain. Pain is why we seek help when we are sick. If illness didn’t cause “dis-ease” (literally a “lack of ease”) we would not be motivated to cure it. Pain, be it mild or severe, is the nearly universal symptom in all human afflictions…


Stress! You Can Handle It

Everyone has stress in their life, but when we don’t have the tools we need to handle our stress, it can make us physically ill. Chronic stress is linked with high blood pressure and other heart problems, digestive and intestinal disorders, fatigue,…


Colon Cleansing

It’s not the most pleasant subject to talk about, but staying regular is an important key to staying healthy. It’s something that our great-grandmothers knew, but modern doctors seem to have forgotten. And, going once a day doesn’t mean you’re…


Older But Better

Many people assume that growing older means developing various chronic health problems like arthritis, heart disease, and memory loss. They assume that these are the inevitable problems associated with aging. They also assume that growing older means…


Terrific Teens

Today’s teenagers face a lot of stress and a lot of health challenges. Many of the health problems that used to show up primarily in older people, such as cancer and type 2 diabetes are now affecting teenagers. Obesity has also become a serious problem…
