Healing from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Healing from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

What is now called PTSD has long been observed in soldiers returning from war. It was called shell shock in World War I and battle fatigue in world war II. PTSD is a mental health problem associated with people who have witnessed or participated in terrifying…


A Holistic Approach to Thyroid Disease

A Holistic Approach to Thyroid Disease

Thyroid disorders are very common, not only in the United States but around the world. There are physical causes of this, which include a lack of iodine and the prevalence of iodine disruptors like chlorine, bromine, and fluoride. Most thyroid disease…


Working with Chronic Lyme Disease

Working with Chronic Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection, spread by ticks.  Caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and rarely by Borrelia mayonii it is transmitted through tick bites. Several days after the bite, the person typically develops a bullseye-like…


A Holisitc Approach to Blood Sugar

A Holisitc Approach to Blood Sugar

Eating too many refined carbohydrates (like refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white flour, and white rice) is one of the most serious threats we face to our health. These simple carbohydrates spike our blood sugar levels, causing excessive release…


The Energetic Uses of Single Herbs

The Energetic Uses of Single Herbs

This course will help you understand the four elements and the twelve categories of herbs in greater depth. We'll cover remedies associated with each of the elements and the twelve categories of herbs. Click on one of the sessions listed below to access…


Emotions, Organs and Disease

Emotions, Organs and Disease

People often speak of the mind-body connection, but what about the heart-body connection. Our thoughts and attitudes are important to the health of our body, but so is our emotional state.Traditional systems of medicine in both the Orient and the West…


A Holistic Approach to the Problem of Pain

A Holistic Approach to the Problem of Pain

Nobody likes pain, whether it is physical pain or emotional suffering. When we're in pain, we want it to end. That's why people turn to pain relievers, substances that numb the sensations of pain. These may be pharmaceutical drugs, herbs, alcohol, or…


Update on the Current Crisis

Update on the Current Crisis

I've spent a lot of time this past month following the COVID-19 disease and the surrounding crisis the world is going through. There is good news:First, antibody testing suggests that the death rate from COVID-19 may be no greater than the seasonal flu.Second,…
