Module Three: Specific Emotional Healing Tools and Techniques

Module Three: Specific Emotional Healing Tools and Techniques

The eight lessons in this module start with an introduction to my model of emotional anatomy, which is elaborated on in Module Four. I then cover the major tools I use in emotional healing work. The first of these is the question-affirmation technique,…


 Don't Let Your Heart Fail You

Don't Let Your Heart Fail You

According to Dr. Bruce Halstead, a world-famous medical doctor and medical research scientist it takes twenty years for current medical research to filter down through the medical system and become the standard practice of medical doctors. This certainly…


Managing Your Most Precious Asset: Your Time

Managing Your Most Precious Asset: Your Time

We've all been given a precious asset—time. How we spend this time determines the results we get in life. We can idle our time away on entertainment or we can use our time to create wonderful things for ourselves and others. The choice is ours.Often,…


Module Four: Universal Energetics and the Tree of Life

Module Four: Universal Energetics and the Tree of Life

Roylon Mortensen's tree of life model is the basis for what I call emotional anatomy. It's a unique energetic model that has greatly influenced my thought processes in many areas besides emotional healing, some of which is touched upon in this module. The…


ASK: Ask, Seek and Knock

ASK: Ask, Seek and Knock

Most people think that being "right" is very important. This is drilled into us in public school where we get rewarded with good grades and praise when we give the "correct" answer and punished and criticized when we give the "wrong" answer.I would argue…


There is a Cure for the Common Cold (and Flu)

There is a Cure for the Common Cold (and Flu)

For years medical researchers have struggled to find the answer to the common cold. Yet, in spite of the thousands of hours of research and the millions of dollars which have been put into this project, science has not discovered a cure for this common…


Napoleon Hill's Outwitting the Devil

Napoleon Hill's Outwitting the Devil

After losing everything in the beginning of the Great Depression, Napoleon Hill wrote an interesting book in which he has a dialog (whether real or imaginary he doesn't say) with the Devil about how he enslaves mankind. He didn't have the courage to publish…


Support Your Spine!

Support Your Spine!

Your spine is more than just a structural support that lets you stand upright and move, it’s also a protective conduit for your nerves. Spinal problems don’t just cause backaches and neck pain, they also interfere with nerve signals, which can result…
