Your Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose

Your Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose

Everyone has memory lapses from time to time. We don’t remember where we left our wallet or keys or forget someone’s name. We don’t worry about this when we’re young, but as we grow older we may worry that something is going wrong with our brain.…


Balancing Biological Terrain

Balancing Biological Terrain

It’s widely recognized that modern medicine focuses primarily on relieving disease symptoms. So it’s little wonder people think of health primarily in terms of fighting disease. Disease care is necessary, but it shouldn’t be called health care.…


 The Health Benefits of Sea Vegetables

The Health Benefits of Sea Vegetables

The ocean is considered the cradle of all life by many scientists and foods from the sea have long been prized by native populations. For starters, plants and animals from the sea are the richest sources of an essential nutrient not found in land-based…


 Do You Feel Burned Out?

Do You Feel Burned Out?

Do you experience any of the following? ❑ Are you chronically tired or easily fatigued? ❑ Are you forgetting details you normally can remember or becoming easily confused? ❑ Do you experience “brain fog,” making it hard to think…


Loving Your Liver with NSP Products

Loving Your Liver with NSP Products

The liver isn’t a very glamorous body part, but this brown, three-pound organ is one of the most overlooked body systems when it comes to overcoming chronic and degenerative diseases. With over 500 functions to perform, an overworked and under-nourished…


Igniting that Romantic Spark with NSP Products

Igniting that Romantic Spark with NSP Products

While sexual intimacy is not the only ingredient to a healthy relationship, it is important in developing the bond of love between a man and a woman. So, when lack of desire, inability to perform or other reproductive health issues make it difficult for…


The Benefits of NSP's Berberine Products

The Benefits of NSP's Berberine Products

For thousand of years Western and Oriental herbalists have prized certain plants for fighting infections and fevers. It turns out that many of these herbs contain a yellow alkaloid known as berberine. Among these plants are popular Western botanical remedies…


Age is Just a Number

Age is Just a Number

Growing older is inevitable, but wasting away with chronic and degenerative disease doesn’t have to be part of that process. Many people have proven that it’s possible to live to a “ripe old age” while still having the health and energy necessary…


For over three decades, Steven Horne has been producing educational materials to help people build successful businesses helping others with herbs, supplements and natural healing techniques. His materials…


Upcoming Events

Module Two: Basic Strategic Herbal Therapies
July 23, 2024

Solving Learning Problems
July 30, 2024
Natural solutions to help children and adults with…

Seeking Solutions to Personality Disorders
August 27, 2024
Losing the Labels and Fixing the Root Causes

Natural Hair and Scalp Care
September 24, 2024
Using herbs, essential oils, and nutrients to create…

Module Three: Materia Medica and Healing Techniques
October 8, 2024

Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025