A Holistic Approach to Autoimmune Disorders

A Holistic Approach to Autoimmune Disorders

The human immune system is amazing in its remarkable ability to determine what is "self" and what is "non-self," or in other words, what is a part of the body and what is foreign to the body. It is able to tag what is "non-self" so it can be destroyed…


Are You Singing the Blues?

Are You Singing the Blues?

According to an article in the Huffington Post in January of 2015, about 350 million people world-wide suffer from some form of depression, with about 16 million adults having at least one major depressive episode during 2012. This means that slightly…


Is There a Cure for Arthritis?

Is There a Cure for Arthritis?

Arthritis is a Latin word that simply means “inflammation of a joint,” which means that a person’s joints are painful, red and swollen. That’s a nice description of symptoms for an illness that affects 22.7% of adults in America. This means that…


Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal Mushrooms

We usually think of mushrooms as something you eat (or something you were warned in childhood not to eat). Some people may even associate “shrooms” with getting high. But few people in modern times realize what valuable health allies mushrooms can…


Turmeric and Curcumin

Turmeric and Curcumin

Turmeric is an Asian spice that gives curry its yellow color. Related to ginger, this rhizome is a classic ingredient in Indian cooking and also has a long history of use in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine. Its chief constituent, curcumin,…


Gluten Intolerance and Food Sensitivities

Gluten Intolerance and Food Sensitivities

A food allergy is an excessive immune reaction to a particular food, but an increasing number of people who don’t have a food allergy are learning that they do have food sensitivities. Food allergies can be pretty obvious because the symptoms usually…


Understanding Neurotransmitters

Understanding Neurotransmitters

Inside your head, millions of brain cells (neurons) are talking to each other right now. They are sending chemical messages to each other using compounds called neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, GABA and acetylcholine.  Most…


Overcoming Cravings

Overcoming Cravings

Let’s face it. Everyone enjoys a little treat now and then. But for millions of Americans, what should be an occasional treat has become a staple of the diet. High sugar foods like soda pop, candy, pastries, donuts and ice cream are now consumed in…


For over three decades, Steven Horne has been producing educational materials to help people build successful businesses helping others with herbs, supplements and natural healing techniques. His materials…


Upcoming Events

Module Two: Basic Strategic Herbal Therapies
July 23, 2024

Solving Learning Problems
July 30, 2024
Natural solutions to help children and adults with…

Seeking Solutions to Personality Disorders
August 27, 2024
Losing the Labels and Fixing the Root Causes

Natural Hair and Scalp Care
September 24, 2024
Using herbs, essential oils, and nutrients to create…

Module Three: Materia Medica and Healing Techniques
October 8, 2024

Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025