Traditional Remedies for Cold and Flu

Traditional Remedies for Cold and Flu

At one time people didn’t run to the doctor for every sniffle or sneeze. Most of the time they used home remedies and only sought medical assistance for serious or persistent illnesses. It’s a shame that many people have forgotten these old-time remedies…


Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that increase your risk of degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and stroke. These risk factors include:Abdominal obesity (excess fat in the stomach area)A high triglyceride level…




It’s no secret that we live in stressful times.  Our lives are fast-paced and to maintain that pace many of us resort to consuming high amounts of sugar and caffeinated beverages, coffee, colas, and the so-called “energy” drinks. As we continue…


Nature's Infection Fighter

Nature's Infection Fighter

Without question the discovery of antibiotics has saved many lives. However, these wonder drugs of modern medicine have also been overprescribed and abused. First, they are taken for conditions where they have little or no effect, such as viral infections…


COPD and Asthma

COPD and Asthma

Life is miserable when you can’t breathe, and for millions of people not being able to breathe freely is a chronic problem.  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) and asthma affect millions of adults and children.COPD includes chronic bronchitis…


Keeping in a Healthy Vein

Keeping in a Healthy Vein

Blood is the life of the body. It supplies all our tissues with life-giving oxygen and nutrients via the arteries and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes from the tissues via our veins. We seldom think about our veins, but problems with our veins…


Natural Hormone Replacement

Natural Hormone Replacement

As we age, levels of certain hormones decline and the balance of hormones in the body can become increasingly disordered. This problem is compounded by poor diet, stress, and environmental toxins that act as endocrine disrupters. These hormonal imbalances…




If you’ve ever cut an apple and left it sitting on the counter, you’ve seen oxidation at work. Oxidation is what causes a cut apple to turn brown. It’s also what causes a fire to burn, oils to go rancid, iron to rust, and copper to develop a green…


For over three decades, Steven Horne has been producing educational materials to help people build successful businesses helping others with herbs, supplements and natural healing techniques. His materials…


Upcoming Events

Module Two: Basic Strategic Herbal Therapies
July 23, 2024

Solving Learning Problems
July 30, 2024
Natural solutions to help children and adults with…

Seeking Solutions to Personality Disorders
August 27, 2024
Losing the Labels and Fixing the Root Causes

Natural Hair and Scalp Care
September 24, 2024
Using herbs, essential oils, and nutrients to create…

Module Three: Materia Medica and Healing Techniques
October 8, 2024

Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025