Aromatherapy and Flower Essences for Emotional Balance

Aromatherapy and Flower Essences for Emotional Balance

Emotions play a critical role in our lives. They inform us of our social and spiritual needs and they motivate us to find harmony, balance and happiness in our lives. Most of us have been taught that our emotions can't be trusted, but Steven Horne presents…


Heavy Metal Detoxification

Heavy Metal Detoxification

In this webinar, Steven Horne discusses the problem of heavy metals. He talks about what heavy metals are, the health problems they cause, how to avoid them and how to detoxify our bodies to eliminate them.Specifically, he discusses the problem of lead,…


Paw Paw and Other Herbs for Cancer

Paw Paw and Other Herbs for Cancer

This webinar focuses on Paw Paw Cell Reg and other remedies that can be used as part of a natural approach to working with cancer. We discuss seven general principles of combating cancer naturally, which can be used in conjunction with medical treatments…


Mega-Chel, Oral Chelation and Cardiac Supplements

Mega-Chel, Oral Chelation and Cardiac Supplements

This webinar will focus on Nature's Sunshine Products that can be used to prevent and possibly reverse cardiovascular disease. We will discuss Mega-Chel and oral chelation as a tool for helping to improve circulation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular…


The ABCs of Good Health with NSP Products

The ABCs of Good Health with NSP Products

You can’t build a building without a foundation, but many people who become sick try to get well without bothering to examine the foundations of their health. Just as you can’t learn to read without mastering your ABCs, there are ABC principles of…


Nature's Sunshine's Ayurvedic Herbs

Nature's Sunshine's Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. The term Ayurveda combines the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge) and the name fits this system of medicine that originated over two thousand years ago in India…


Working with Chronic Skin Conditions

Working with Chronic Skin Conditions

As the largest organ of the body, the skin plays important roles in both our physical and emotional health. Not only does the skin serve as a protective barrier for the body, it is also a major organ of elimination. But, beyond these physical functions,…


PMS and Other Menstrual Problems

PMS and Other Menstrual Problems

PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is a term used to describe varying combinations of over 150 symptoms women may experience during the final week of their menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms typically occur during the last week before the period, and typically include…


For over three decades, Steven Horne has been producing educational materials to help people build successful businesses helping others with herbs, supplements and natural healing techniques. His materials…


Upcoming Events

Module Two: Basic Strategic Herbal Therapies
July 23, 2024

Solving Learning Problems
July 30, 2024
Natural solutions to help children and adults with…

Seeking Solutions to Personality Disorders
August 27, 2024
Losing the Labels and Fixing the Root Causes

Natural Hair and Scalp Care
September 24, 2024
Using herbs, essential oils, and nutrients to create…

Module Three: Materia Medica and Healing Techniques
October 8, 2024

Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025