The War Within

The War Within

We all know what the immune system is supposed to do. It’s supposed to defend the body against harmful microbes, parasites, and deviant cells (like cancer cells). But what happens when the immune system turns on the tissues of your own body and destroys…


That Naturally Healthy Smile

That Naturally Healthy Smile

Modern dentistry is based on the supposition that bacteria in the mouth is what causes tooth decay and gum disease. We are urged to brush and floss our teeth, use mouthwashes, and get our teeth cleaned regularly to maintain a healthy smile. However,…


Breast Health

Breast Health

It’s no secret that breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women, accounting for about 30% of all cases. As a result, many women are concerned about preventing this physically and emotionally devastating disease. In this month’s Herbal…


It's Not Such a Hot Shot After All

It's Not Such a Hot Shot After All

 Vaccines are one of the “sacred cows” of modern medicine. We’ve all been told how vaccines have wiped out certain contagious diseases, and every year people faithfully line up to get vaccines for themselves and their children. But are vaccines…


Cooling the Fire of Anger

Cooling the Fire of Anger

We all get angry from time to time, but sometimes people have serious issues with anger. They “blow up,” “lose their cool,” and vent their anger in ways that are destructive to themselves and those around them. Being constantly angry can damage…


Nature Has a Remedy for That

Nature Has a Remedy for That

It’s no secret that the American healthcare system is struggling. Many people are losing their jobs and their health insurance benefits. Many self-employed people can’t afford health insurance. Others can’t qualify for health insurance because of…


Pain Relief Without Medication

Pain Relief Without Medication

Nobody enjoys pain. Pain is why we seek help when we are sick. If illness didn’t cause “dis-ease” (literally a “lack of ease”) we would not be motivated to cure it. Pain, be it mild or severe, is the nearly universal symptom in all human afflictions…


The Herbal Hour videos were produced at a studio and originally released as DVDs. Many of these videos were done with Kimberly Balas and there are also some with other guests. They cover a wide variety…


Upcoming Events

Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
April 1, 2025

Solving Thyroid Problems
April 29, 2025
Natural approaches to correcting hypothyroid, Hashimoto's…

The Hidden Truth Behind Dental Diseases
May 27, 2025
The health of your mouth reflects the quality of your…

Natural Approaches to Healthy Eyes
June 24, 2025
Protecting your vision and improving health through the eyes

Module Five: Balancing Body Systems
August 5, 2025

Health Guidance for the Guys
August 26, 2025
Helping male health problems like prostate problems,…