Personal Development

Over the years, Steven has taught many webinars on topics related to self-development. These classes can help you develop interpersonal skills, enhance your memory, improve your relationships, and help you with other life skills. 

The To-Be Verb

The To-Be Verb

In the early 1980s, I was able to attend a life-changing workshop. I don't remember the name of the instructor, but I do remember the theme of the workshop, which was "be careful of the words you use, because the words you use, use you." What she stressed…


Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity Consciousness

Many years ago I realized that I had a poverty consciousness. Today I call this poverty consciousness the WalMart mentality, which is trying to get as much as possible by giving as little as possible. I decided that if the principle of the "law of the…


Cultivating an Open Mind

Cultivating an Open Mind

Our mind is a powerful tool for creating both positive and negative things in our lives. Unfortunately, most people's minds grow progressively more closed with time. The get stuck in habits of thought that they not only never question, but will spend…


Fear Not: Don't be Controlled by Your Fears

Fear Not: Don't be Controlled by Your Fears

Have you ever allowed fear to hold you back from achieving things you want to do? Most people do. In fact, most people allow their fears to control their life, keeping them from ever reaching for the achievement of anything new and exciting. This…


Personal Responsibility

Personal Responsibility

Where do you see the power to control your life coming from? Do you feel like your life is mostly dependent on what other people around you are doing? Or, do you feel that you are the primary person in control of your own life? You answer determines where…


Cultivating Unconditional Love

Cultivating Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is a difficult concept for people to grasp, because our experience of human love is entirely conditional. To imagine a love that is offered equally to everyone seems almost blasphemous. After all, don't "good" people desire love more…


The Gift of Self-Care

The Gift of Self-Care

I've observed the tendency of most natural healers, myself included, to spend a lot of time caring for others, while often neglecting to care for ourselves. This might be because we feel that self-care is selfish and that it is more noble to serve…


Enhancing Memory

Enhancing Memory

This webinar shares secrets I learned about improving your memory when I was in my early twenties. I've used them every since and they really work.The first secret is that memory is associative, which means that you need to tie the new memory to existing…




In this webinar, I discuss the importance of developing awareness. Most people go around like robots, thinking the things they were programmed to think and doing the things they've made habitual. I specifically apply the concept of awareness to consulting,…


Rewrite Your Story

Rewrite Your Story

We all have stories to tell. Our stories reflect the way we interpret our experiences and apply them to our current lives. But our stories aren't facts, they are our way of making sense of what happens, especially the traumatic, stressful events of our…


Choosing to Be Happy

Choosing to Be Happy

Whether we realize it or not, one of the driving forces in our lives is the desire to be happy. The goals we pursue in life (success, money, relationships, and so forth) are all driven by our desire to be happy. We believe that when we reach these goals…


Quieting the Mind

Quieting the Mind

As human beings living in modern society our lives are constantly busy, and so are our minds. Our heads are filled with mental chatter, an ongoing dialog verbal thinking that consumes our attention. Learning to quiet the mind and create sacred inner silence…


The Opportunity in Adversity

The Opportunity in Adversity

We all face adversity in our lives—things go wrong, people betray us, and bad things happen. However, what happens is less important than how we deal with what happens and how we deal with what happens arises from our belief systems. So, in this webinar…


Criticism: The Two Edged Sword

Criticism: The Two Edged Sword

In this webinar we'll talk about the destructive nature of criticism and why we should seek to eliminate criticism of others from our lives. We'll also talk about how to constructively handle criticism from others.


 Is It Worth Getting Upset Over It?

Is It Worth Getting Upset Over It?

Unless you're some kind of a saint, you probably get upset over things. People do things that get on your nerves. Things happen that you find annoying, like getting stuck in traffic or having to deal with some unexpected bills. Life is full of situations…


The Four-Fold Framework of Knowledge

The Four-Fold Framework of Knowledge

In the fall of 1979, I took an experimental class in learning and teaching at Brigham Young University. It was probably the most profound and useful class I ever took. We learned about a unique approach to learning called the Three Person Problem, which…


 Become a Better Writer and Speaker

Become a Better Writer and Speaker

To be successful in any kind of business, it helps to have good writing and public speaking skills, but it is especially helpful in the alternative health field. This is because we have to educate people about the value of what we have to offer. Learning…


Napoleon Hill's Outwitting the Devil

Napoleon Hill's Outwitting the Devil

After losing everything in the beginning of the Great Depression, Napoleon Hill wrote an interesting book in which he has a dialog (whether real or imaginary he doesn't say) with the Devil about how he enslaves mankind. He didn't have the courage to publish…


ASK: Ask, Seek and Knock

ASK: Ask, Seek and Knock

Most people think that being "right" is very important. This is drilled into us in public school where we get rewarded with good grades and praise when we give the "correct" answer and punished and criticized when we give the "wrong" answer.I would argue…


 Accessing Infinite Intelligence Through Applied Faith

Accessing Infinite Intelligence Through Applied Faith

After interviewing more than 500 successful people Napoleon Hill came to believe that we all have access to a source of infinite intelligence that can help us overcome any obstacle or solve any problem. Most of us would call that source, God, but Hill…


Rewriting the Lyrics

Rewriting the Lyrics

Music has a powerful effect on our minds, emotions, and even our physical body. Much of the emotional impact of a movie is created by its musical score, the background music that manipulates our emotions as we watch the scenes and listen to the dialog.…


 Rise Above the Challenges of Life by Gaining a Higher Perspective

Rise Above the Challenges of Life by Gaining a Higher Perspective

If you've ever stood on a mountaintop or flown in a plane, you know how different the world appears when you're looking down on it from a great height. Things that seem so large when we're on the ground, look so small from that perspective.From outer…


Healthy Relationships: The Four Learning Types

Healthy Relationships: The Four Learning Types

People are different and none of us literally view the world in the same way. In this episode of Seeking, Light, and Truth we'll continue our exploration of relationships with a discussion of how different people actually perceive the world differently.…


Eliminating Love Busters

Eliminating Love Busters

In continuing our theme of building healthy relationships, this webinar will focus on the things we do that destroy feelings of love. When we do one of these love buster activities, we make withdrawals from the other person's emotional bank account. If…


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